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Sludge dewatering

Sludge activated treatment: belt press

Introduction to sludge dewatering

Dewatering processes provide a concentrated, consolidated product − retaining most of the solids from the original sludge – along with a diluted stream which is predominantly water.

Dewatering processes apply a significant mechanical force to achieve increased water removal over that possible from thickening.

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Benenv's MDS screw press for sludge dewatering − how it's made Source: Joseph Chahwan / YouTube

Benenv Screw press for sludge dewatering

Film to demonstrate the stacked screw sludge dewatering machine from Benenv.

This solid-liquid separation equipment can be used for applications including municipal sewage, petrochemical, food & beverage, slaughterhouses and breeding, printing and dyeing, papermaking, leather, pharmaceutical and other industries.

The equipment is suitable for high and low concentration sludge (from 2000mg/L), and for all kinds of sludge with high and low viscosity, especially oily sludge.

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The UK regulator OFWAT has introduced legislation based on the notion of sludge as a resource. Its value is often expressed in terms of calorific content, and the phosphate is also potentially recoverable. But how exactly should sludge value be quantified? Read article

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