Feedback and contributions

Feedback on our new website
If you have any feedback on our new website, we would love to hear from you. Email us on with any suggestions on how we can improve, topics you would like us to cover, and any broken links, errors or omissions.
Send feedbackContribute technical features and blogs
We are always interested if you can contribute a technical feature article or a guest blog. These are not advertorials, but in depth articles and analyses on the subject of sludge − often based on research or case studies. It's excellent free promotion for you and our experience on our sister website is that this content is highly valued.
If you are interested, contact us with your idea in the first instance, and we will send you our author guidelines. If your idea is accepted, we will help with drafting and editing, and we reserve the right to edit the content to ensure it is suitable for publication. You will always get to see your feature or blog for your comments before it is published.
Contribute a feature or blogDirectory listings
Coming soon!
Register now if you would like your company to be listed in our new directories:
- Sludge processing products
- Sludge processing service providers
- Sludge processing case studies.
Companies who can demonstrate they are active in the sludge processing sector are welcome to be included in our directories. Basic entries are free of charge, or you can choose to upgrade to a sponsored listing.
To register, complete this form and send it to We will contact you when our directories go live, to give you further information on how to get listed.
Register interest in our directoriesAdvertise with us
As a new website, we are offering great advertising deals for the ***first five advertisers*** who wish to develop a relationship with us. Read our Advertise with us page for all our advertising options − we can cater for budgets of all sizes − and please contact us if you would like us to provide you with a tailored recommendation.
Enquire about advertising