Multi-disk screw press for thickening and dewatering

Multi-disk screw press for thickening and dewatering
Thickening, dewatering & drying
- Thickening
- Screw presses
Municipal Sludge
- Fresh Water Sludge
- Wastewater Sludge
- Industrial Sludge
Product description
The Multi-Disk Screw press (MDS) is a solid−liquid separator, which can achieve significant dewatering.
The sludge is thickened and dewatered progressively along the length of the vessel, which comprises a series of fixed and rotating rings, via the inner screw conveyor. The special tungsten carbide coating of the inner screw and its slow rotation reduces friction and assures a long life span of the system components. The filtrate is drained from the gaps between the rings, creating a thickening and a dewatering zone in different regions of the vessel. The sludge cake is discharged at the end plate, achieving a minimum solid content of 20%.
The advanced design of the MDS makes it a self-cleaning unit due to the friction free movement between the rings, is applicable across a wide range of sludge concentrations (2000 mg/L – 50000 mg/L), and is highly suited to oily sludge.
Model Numbers
- MDS131
- MDS201
- MDS202
- MDS301
- MDS302
- MDS351
- MDS352
- MDS401
Supplementary Services
- 24 hours online technical support via
- IoT available
- Physical support available
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About this page
This page was last updated on 11 November 2021
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