Sludge basics
An overview of sludge basics − an introduction to sludge and sludge theory
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Welcome to our new website, a technical information source for sludge treatment and the end disposal of waste sludge solids.
So, what is sludge processing? Watch our brief introduction to sludge treatment ...
Sludge is the main waste stream generated from water purification, both water for drinking and wastewater for environmental discharge. It requires processing to reduce its volume (and so the cost of subsequent haulage and disposal), as well as the risk it poses to public health, and more
An overview of sludge basics − an introduction to sludge and sludge theory
An overview of sludge conditioning − chemical and thermal
An overview of sludge thickening − an introduction to theory and related technologies
An overview of sludge dewatering − an introduction to sludge dewatering theory and technologies
An overview of sludge drying − an introduction to sludge drying theory and technologies
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the most extensively employed sludge stabilisation process and, as with most sludge and wastewater unit processes, the design and performance of AD depends on the feed characteristics. Watch our explainer
An overview of sludge stabilisation − alkaline stabilisation, lime and solids dosing, plus anaerobic and aerobic digestion
An overview of aerobic digestion and sludge composting
An introduction to sludge thermochemical treatment methods
An introduction to oxidative sludge thermochemical treatment methods
An introduction to non-oxidative sludge thermochemical treatment methods